Researchers at Wills Eye Hospital set out to determine the effectiveness of repeat SLT for open-angle glaucoma (OAG) without any additional intervention between the 2 SLT treatments. A retrospective chart review of all patients who underwent SLT by 3 glaucoma specialists at Wills Eye Hospital from 2014 to 2018 was conducted.
A total of 887 eyes (796 primary OAG, 69 pseudoexfoliative glaucoma, 22 pigmentary glaucoma) were initially assessed. For the first SLT, mean baseline IOP was 19.8 mmHg on 2.0 IOP-lowering medications. Mean follow-up time was 9.3 months. Mean IOP at the most recent follow-up visit was 16.1 mmHg on 1.8 medications. SLT treatments ranged from 270 to 360 degrees with a mean power of 61.9 mJ.
Fifty-four eyes later underwent repeat SLT, with mean time to repeat SLT from first SLT of 2.4 years. The mean IOP before repeat SLT was 20.1 mmHg on 2.2 medications. Mean follow-up time after repeat SLT was 1.7 years. Mean IOP at the most recent follow-up visit after repeat SLT was 17.1 mmHg on 2.1 medications. No post-SLT IOP spikes occurred after the second SLT.
The researchers, who presented at the recent ARVO meeting, concluded that repeat SLT was a valid treatment for open-angle glaucoma.