■ Results of an independent, international study published in Advances in Therapy showed that standalone implantation of the iStent inject Trabecular Micro-Bypass System (Glaukos) in eyes with substantial glaucoma disease burden achieved a 42% reduction in mean IOP to 14.6 mmHg and an 82% reduction in mean medications to 0.55 at 3 years postoperatively.
This prospective, consecutive case series of 44 eyes was conducted to evaluate the long-term outcomes of the two-stent iStent inject system as a sole procedure in predominantly POAG subjects with considerable disease burden. The cohort’s preoperative mean IOP was 25.3 mmHg on a mean of 2.98 ocular hypotensive medications, with 75% of eyes on 3 to 5 medications and no eyes medication free. Moreover, 50% of eyes had a history of prior glaucoma surgery. All iStent inject procedures were performed by Fritz H. Hengerer, MD, PhD, at an academic ophthalmology center in Heidelberg, Germany.
“The results of this study highlight the profound efficacy and safety profile of iStent inject as a sole procedure in a glaucoma patient population with substantial disease burden,” said Dr. Hengerer, the study’s author. “Of particular note is the very high portion of eyes — 97% — that achieved IOP at or below 18 mmHg at 3 years postoperative.”